The Many Faces of Performance Management


The Many Faces of Performance Management – By Julie Gordon I’m really pleased  to introduce a guest post from Julie Gordon.  I have known and worked with Julie for a number of years.  Julie was my tutor and mentor when I was taking my PAC qualification with CIPD.  I was … Read More

Getting the Performance Management Equation Right

performance management

Performance Management is an Art! If you want to be cutting edge you need to measure your results and performance manage your team. Getting the best out your people can sometimes be a stressful business. In my many years of managing and subsequently as an HR professional, one of the … Read More

Underperformance – The Does and Don’t of Managing it

Managing Underperformance

The Do’s and Don’ts of Managing Underperformance The extension from one year to two years for right to file unfair dismissal claims in April is a welcome change for most employers.  There is a lurking fear that where employment is terminated, that disgruntled employees will resort to including other elements … Read More