3 Reasons Why A Great Engagement Strategy Isn’t Enough

160042113An engagement strategy means the ability to create an environment where employees are engaged and encouraged to bring out their self-motivation are “must have” leadership skills.

I have worked with many leaders who have made great efforts to put in place a culture which gets the best out of people and gets them involved and committed. But sometimes their efforts simply weren’t, frustratingly, enough. Indeed many organisations invest much time and resource into getting it right, but even though they are well-intentioned, sometimes, often, their initiative is simply doomed; if not to fail, then at best, the outcomes simply don’t live up to expectations.In my experience, there were times, even when the company was doing well, a constant thread of discontent existed amongst the team or even across the whole organisation. For a long time I put this down to human nature. There are positive people and negative people and you can’t get it right 100%: right?I even found times when team and organisational results were high, and leaders were celebrating their successes; employee engagement indicators showed there wasn’t a corresponding “high” in the way employees were buying in or not to the success of the business. In one scenario, one organisation won accolades for leadership excellence when the engagement index for staff was actually sweeping the bottom of the industry league tables. Obviously the criteria for leadership excellence were missing some vital ingredients in engaging and enthusing their people.

For me, I have found, there are three common problems which if not tackled and given focus and attention will leave the best intentioned leaders and managers left scratching their heads in their efforts to create a great working environment. At first glance, most leaders and managers would probably deny these problems are alive and well in their workplace, but often denial can stem from the lack of perspective, given their proximity to the problem.

The three problems, I believe if not tackled will sabotage attempts to engage and motivate people are:

Lack of Drive to Excel

This syndrome often occurs when organisations are getting reasonable results. It’s a little like living with an old and trusted cooker. As long as it’s working and cooking tasty meals, then there’s no need to change. Once it’s broken though, then you will start looking around to see what’s out there, and slam, the realisation that your oven was “in the dark ages” compared to the brilliant new technology available and how much time can be saved with technological advances, comes into your awareness.

Many organisations are still “cooking on gas”, in their minds, but they haven’t caught on to the many brilliant possibilities that exist, if they decided to raise their game, and invest in something new.  In a nutshell, the organisational culture is resistant to operating outside of the established comfort zone, which would have been forced had results been poor or disappointing. Results which were “good enough” didn’t leverage sufficient motivation to change and achieve even better results.

Believing in Average Ability of their Employees

Some 5 years ago, I applied to win a place in a local Academy for my son. In those days Academies in the UK were few and far between. This particular school was amazing. At that time, results showed it was in the top ten schools in England. The school didn’t have formal feeder schools, so each one of its 190 odd intake of pupils was by application. They were and continue to be 2 – 1 oversubscribed.

In my ignorance, I expected the school to favour “bright” children, given its amazing results. What I found, still makes me wonder. The school intake policy includes an obligation to take in pupils from the whole spectrum of “ability” from children who had “special needs” to those who were nearing genius status. The bulk and the majority of children had to be sourced from average to below average results. It worked out at about 70% of the pupils were average achievers when they arrived at the school.

When the head was asked about how they managed to get such amazing results given the mix of abilities, he told the silent parents that unlike other schools, they truly believed that everyone was capable of excelling and so from that belief they got the best out of the vast majority of their pupils.

What I have seen in many organisations is a similar syndrome to that which most schools suffer, unlike the Academy. The general belief in the average ability of a large percentage of their employees which resulted in a self-fulfilling prophesy, i.e. they produced average results in the main.

Lack of Internal Customer Service

I have seen many organisations have great outcome related external customer service policies, and strategies. They have plans to engage people with the organisational “big picture”, “mission” and they hold focus groups and ask people constantly how they can make things better, but they continue to ignore the internal relationships between peers, teams and departments.

Insufficient attention is paid to internal relationships, contribution ethos, innovation, values and helpfulness within an organisation. This is all about internal customer service. Don’t get me wrong there is nothing wrong with friendly rivalry between teams if their starting line is that they always act “for the greater good of the organisation”. It doesn’t matter how much effort is put into engaging, planning and rewarding people, if the relationships aren’t designed to “serve” each other as internal customers, excellence is never going to be achieved.

Including some well needed perspective to lift your team out of their comfort zone, help foster self-belief in your people and get your internal customer service to work brilliantly must be part of your plan if you want to be brilliantly successful.



Join us on this amazing journey!

This great article is from the our 6 months themed series based on the Centre for Creative Leaderships Report of 2013, in which they identified the 6 top challenges for leaders across the globe:   Don't Miss Out! Sign up here to be notified of subsequent issues and posts


If you are a leader, you are continually developing and "Sharpening the Saw".  If you lead and manage teams, then you must read about our Inspirational New Leadership Programme.  Sign up now to find out more details when we launch in July 2014.  There is no obligation to undertake the programme, if you sign up today, you will simply be sent more information about the programme.  You can unsubscribe at any time!  Click below to register for further information.


Are Your Relationships on Purpose?

Welcome to our latest Guest Blogger.  David Klaasen is an inspirational coach, facilitator and trainer, specialising in profitability, high performance and people and solutions.   We met on-line fairly recently after “bumping” into each other in our respective social media communities!  We quickly realised we shared some common ideas.  David very kindly agreed to give me a review of my latest E BOOK – The 6 Secrets of Great Emotional Intelligence – For Inspirational Leaders and Managers. His help was invaluable.  Below he examines relationships in the workplace and whether they are purposeful or not.  A great post.  Thank You David!

 Are your relationships ‘On Purpose’?

Every relationship has a purpose but all too often it is unspoken, undefined and ambiguous.  When things are going well we naturally assume that our purpose is aligned and there is a good mutual understanding.  However this allows many interpretations and both parties may have completely differing views and expectations of the relationship

When a shift of personal priorities or external pressure begins to affect the relationship things can become fraught, especially if there is a lack of clarity about the fundamental purpose.

While it is fascinating to look into how this affects personal and intimate relationships, this blog focuses on relationships in a work context.  However I will invite you to reflect on all the relationships in your life as you read on!

Over the many years that I have been coaching and advising clients, I have met a number of Directors who feel totally ‘betrayed’ when a senior manager decides to resign; did they have an unrealistic expectation that the manager was as ‘wedded’ to the long term success of business as they were? (As in ‘until death us do part’!)

I’ve also met Managers who believe that the purpose of their employer is to further their career and financial aspirations, and who then complain when they have to put in a few extra hours to fulfil the responsibilities that they do not enjoy, or do some learning out of normal hours.

Just fix our staff!

Back in the mid 1990’s when I was Training and Development Manager at the Waldorf hotel in London the managers thought the purpose of my relationship with them was to ‘fix’ their staff.  If someone was underperforming they would send them on one of my courses and then expect them to suddenly be 100% competent without considering the need to change their own management style or behaviour (which was often part of the problem).

It took a few years to change the culture and the managers’ understanding of the real purpose of their own relationship with staff.  But just after I left the Hotel to go walkabout in India and Nepal for 3 months, the Waldorf was re-recognised as an Investor in People.  It was nice to know that the managers did it all by themselves.  They had become clear about the purpose of their relationship with their staff; to Lead, Manage and Develop them.

What is the purpose of the important relationships in your work (and in your personal life)?  Are you able to define it?  Would your definition match how the others in the relationship define it?  I invite you to explore this and if you want some tips on how to do it see below.

Check out what’s really important

Asking about or discussing the purpose of a relationship can seem like ‘indulgent navel-gazing’ and might get you some strange looks, so it is not a great way to start a conversation.

It is much easier to explore what is important to someone in a given context.  Most people can easily respond to a remark like; “I was just wondering  . . . what’s most important for you at work . . .”

Their answer is a way for them to describe their ‘criteria’ or ‘values’ in that context.  Our values are like ‘Hot buttons’.  If they get mentioned we cannot help but have an emotional response.  Just ask anyone with teenagers – they have a natural talent for pressing parent’s hot buttons in a variety of contexts!

Some other questions that uncover their values in a particular context are:

  • What has to be there?
  • What can’t you do without?
  • What’s important to you?
  • What would you like to be there?
  • What really matters?

Being able to identify what someone values at work (or in any other context) can provide you with a very powerful way to motivate them by relating what you are discussing (or what you want to achieve) to their hot buttons.  These are particularly useful questions to ask during recruitment.

People usually get very engaged and motivated when you start to discuss what is most important to them.  It makes them feel listened to.  It is then easier to explore how you can help them achieve more of what they want and avoid what they don’t want.  This in turn begins to touch on the purpose of your relationship and you can begin to discuss or agree a mutually beneficial purpose.

Relating on purpose

Once the real purpose of a relationship is clear it becomes possible to challenge, explore and help one another grow.  In a working context it can mean the difference between having a fractious or difficult relationship and one that may not necessarily be easy, but respectful and genuinely helpful.

On a personal level if there is an upset in a relationship it is just a signal that there is a misalignment of values.  By clarifying expectations and what is important to you (and them) it can take a lot of heat out of the situation and enable deeper understanding, empathy and the removal of unhelpful judgments.

If knowing what really motivates you and the people you work with is important to you, and you would like to find out more about how to identify their key drivers, .

If you have any particular questions about this blog post or any other communication issues why not drop me a line by .

Remember  . . . stay curious!

[message type="custom" width="100%" start_color="#FFFCB5" end_color="#F4CBCB" border="#BBBBBB" color="#333333"] About David Klaasen:  Ten years of intense experience in the furnace of Michelin starred kitchens has given David a very practical and pragmatic approach to HR issues.  After 24 years of working strategically with demanding clients his focus is on profitability and high performance at all levels of the business while ensuring there are robust foundations in place to motivate and help people succeed.  His website is www.InspiredWorking.com


Join us on this amazing journey!

This great article is from the our 6 months themed series based on the Centre for Creative Leaderships Report of 2013, in which they identified the 6 top challenges for leaders across the globe:   Don't Miss Out! Sign up here to be notified of subsequent issues and posts


If you are a leader, you are continually developing and "Sharpening the Saw".  If you lead and manage teams, then you must read about our Inspirational New Leadership Programme.  Sign up now to find out more details when we launch in July 2014.  There is no obligation to undertake the programme, if you sign up today, you will simply be sent more information about the programme.  You can unsubscribe at any time!  Click below to register for further information.