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Posts Tagged management

End The Struggle – 5 Ways To Get In Touch With Your Intuition

End The Struggle - 5 Ways To Get In Touch With Your Intuition

Listening to your intuition is vital for successful living If you’ve ever been confused, stuck or overwhelmed, when your life has presented you with a critical decision, then you are not alone.  Many of my clients come to me because they are grappling with major decisions.One of the reasons we get stuck is because we look from different perspectives and this can result in a range of options with no […]

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The Single Daily Choice which will Change Your Life for Good

The Single Daily Choice which will Change Your Life for Good

One choice which will change your life Yesterday,  I had some news which made me want to cry with frustration. This problem had come up a couple of times before, and I had, with much annoyance, sorted it out, and here it was again.   I won’t bore you with the problem because problems are two a penny, and the real issue is what I did about it and the choice […]

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3 Leadership Skills To Inspire Team Success

3 Leadership Skills To Inspire Team Success

3 Leadership skills Leaders usually have a balancing act to perform, especially around how much they allow their team to contribute to organisational success, or how much they take upon their own shoulders.   How  well they harness the commitment, effort, skills and effectiveness of their team and how well they are able to let go and allow their team to take up the challenge and deliver, depends on how […]

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7 Essential Steps To Create A Winning People Strategy

7 Essential Steps To Create A Winning People Strategy

 A people strategy is essential if a business wants to drive up performance and get the best out of their people. Underpinning business outcomes with a people strategy can be a pretty smart move.  Too often, business plans, aims and goals are set without any corresponding detail describing how people will help to deliver and achieve what the business has set out to do. Developing a people strategy mustn’t be […]

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7 Common Qualities of Inspirational People, Leaders Should Know

7 Common Qualities of Inspirational People, Leaders Should Know

Leaders can learn from inspirational people I’d read about Philippe Petit some years ago, and while being amazed at his death defying tightrope walk between the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre in New York City, I was either too young, too busy, in the wrong country  or too focused on other things to truly absorb his story.  That changed last weekend when I happened upon an old documentary in which […]

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Dealing with the Negativity Epidemic

Dealing with the Negativity Epidemic

You can tackle Negativity ! As a result of an internal transfer, a client recently took over a new team. But he quickly realised that some of its members had a negative and unhelpful attitude. This negativity manifested itself in a small clique complaining about customer expectations, some of their working conditions and the amount of work that they had to do (for which they believed that they got little […]

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What If Everything Was OK?

What If Everything Was OK?

What if things were really ok? Two nights ago, I went swimming.  It was an activity I had been looking forward to all day.  I usually go quite late because it tends to be more peaceful and as I swim I can ruminate and contemplate. Tired and tense for the first 10 lengths or so, instead or relaxing, I found my mind worrying about a number of pieces of work […]

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12 Ways To Illuminate The Vision, While Dealing With The Realistic Stuff

12 Ways To Illuminate The Vision, While Dealing With The Realistic Stuff

It’s challenging being realistic, when you are chasing a vision. I write a lot about leadership  and how leaders can choose to see things from another perspective.  One of my inspirations is Carl Jung, especially his work on archetypes and dream analysis.  I see patterns and connections all around me, and if you know anything about Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) , you will understand it’s because I have a […]

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The Golden Triangle Of Open-Mindedness

The Golden Triangle Of Open-Mindedness

I don’t think any of us can practice total  open-mindedness because we continually have to make decisions and in order to make decisions we usually have to come to some sort of conclusion even if that means not making a decision at all. Practicing open-mindedness, isn’t universal a characteristic we are born with.  To be effective leaders and managers we often have to develop the crucial habits of self-reflection, observation, challenging beliefs […]

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The Secret Ingredient Of Brilliant Leaders And Managers

I have only come across a handful of brilliant leaders and managers in my working career. The ingredient these people shared was, they were intrinsically drawn to “doing the right thing”. The “right thing” for these leaders and managers wasn’t always popular. The act of choosing for them was sometimes personally agonising, but they still made those decisions. When questioned, many leaders and managers know what “doing the right thing” is, but […]

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