7 Common Qualities of Inspirational People, Leaders Should Know


 Leaders can learn from inspirational people I’d read about Philippe Petit some years ago, and while being amazed at his death defying tightrope walk between the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre in New York City, I was either was too young, too busy, in the wrong country  or too focussed … Continue reading

What If Everything Was OK?

HR Expertise

Two nights ago, I went swimming.  It was an activity I had been looking forward to all day.  I usually go quite late because it tends to be more peaceful and as I swim I can ruminate and contemplate. Tired and tense for the first 10 lengths or so, instead … Continue reading

7 Principles To Get An Immediate Return On Your Learning Investment

  There are many evaluation models and cost/benefit frameworks which attempt to determine the “worth” of learning and development in the workplace.  Depending on the type of learning required, some models and frameworks are easier to apply than others.  Sometimes even when applied, the expected outcomes and improvements have either … Continue reading

Introduce A Life-Long Learning Culture

life-long learning

Be an organisation that supports life-long learning! If you are a Leader, Manager or HR Professional then you may have established a life-long learning habit.  A recent survey by CIPD “The Coaching Climate” shows that out of 332 responses from organisations; 77% of them used coaching and mentoring.  All activity … Continue reading

Coach? – A facilitator’s advice


For regular readers you will know that I am introducing a guest blogspot from time to time.  I am hoping that my guest bloggers will expand on themes you are interested in and give a whole new valuable perspective.  I am really thrilled to introduce my first Guest Blogger Juli … Continue reading