When Trouble Hits – 8 Ways to Develop Resilience, Options and “Falling up”

When I was small, my parents had a part of our garden tarmacked over.  I can still remember my mother’s delight when the spring crocuses pushed through the tarmac to flower year after year.  Whenever I think of our own resilience and ability to shine through adversity, I think of … Continue reading

The Many Faces of Performance Management


The Many Faces of Performance Management – By Julie Gordon I’m really pleased  to introduce a guest post from Julie Gordon.  I have known and worked with Julie for a number of years.  Julie was my tutor and mentor when I was taking my PAC qualification with CIPD.  I was … Continue reading

A Recipe for Visionary Leadership

When it gets down to basics, we all have the same psychological operating systems, we give out and absorb energy, we take in information, think, feel, and make decisions.  However we use those depends on our own preferences, beliefs, values and experiences.  For many leaders being congruent with the way … Continue reading

Great Leadership: The Dynamics Of Workplace Bullying


Bullying or alleged bullying is always stressful I don’t think I have ever been in a work situation where there has not been at least some discussion about whether behaviours can be construed as bullying.  I have been in some where bullying has occurred and people have experienced being bullied and it’s … Continue reading

21 Compelling Reasons To Get To Know Yourself And Your Team

As a leader, manager or HR Professional, one of your foundational strengths is the depth of your own self-awareness and awareness of how other’s tick.   You know the key to motivating people is being completely open and transparent and being able to be yourself, which in turn allows your team … Continue reading

Managing Performance Is An Emotional Business – Isn’t It? – Emotional Intelligence


Great Leaders Have Emotional Intelligence: I originally wrote this as a guest blog post for Kapta Systems, a leading performance management system developer.   I was and am heartened there are system developers out there who recognise the importance of emotional intelligence and developing people to make a performance system work.  … Continue reading

Lead Yourself First – The Impressive Impact of Relationship

In my view, money doesn’t make the world go around, relationships do. We are in relationship with everyone we meet, because we are always swapping energy.  Even the guy reading the paper in the adjacent seat on the train might leave an impression as you form an opinion about or … Continue reading

Lead Yourself First: The Empowering Magic of Detachment

Attachment can become unhealthy We all can become attached at some stage in our lives.  As children we are attached to our parents or other caregivers.  In this scenario attachment is seen as healthy and affirming. When an attachment prevents us from seeing or acting clearly it has become unhealthy. … Continue reading

Lead Yourself First – The Freedom of Taking Responsibility

Taking Responsibility is the key to greater freedom Responsibility can be a tough bedfellow.  Today in a couple of separate encounters, one with a 14 year old girl and the other a 40 year old man, I heard how they had recently experienced difficult times in their lives. What both … Continue reading

Do You Show Commitment? – Six Principles to Gain Trust

Commitment engenders trust If you are a leader, you must gain the trust of your team if you are going to excel at getting results.  For some people, trust is gained over a period of time, and sometimes, time is not a commodity you have at your disposal, especially if … Continue reading