Dealing with the Negativity Epidemic


You can do something positive about negativity As a result of an internal transfer, a client recently took over a new team. But he quickly realised that some of its members had a negative and unhelpful attitude. This negativity manifested itself in a small clique complaining about customer expectations, some … Continue reading

What If Everything Was OK?

HR Expertise

Two nights ago, I went swimming.  It was an activity I had been looking forward to all day.  I usually go quite late because it tends to be more peaceful and as I swim I can ruminate and contemplate. Tired and tense for the first 10 lengths or so, instead … Continue reading

12 Ways To Illuminate The Vision, While Dealing With The Realistic Stuff

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I write a lot about leadership  and how leaders can choose to see things from another perspective.  One of my inspirations is Carl Jung, especially his work on archetypes and dream analysis.  I see patterns and connections all around me, and if you know anything about Myers Briggs Type Indicator … Continue reading

7 Uncommon Ways to be a Positive Influence on You and Your Team

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The psychology of leadership simply fascinates me, and no more so than when leaders have a positive influence on their team.   You may not class yourself as a leader, but you are a leader, whether you’re leading a team, a family or even yourself.  In your role, as a leader, … Continue reading

The Golden Triangle Of Open-Mindedness


I don’t think any of us could be totally open-minded because we continually have to make decisions and in order to make decisions we usually have to come to some sort of conclusion even if that means not making a decision at all.  Being open-minded, isn’t universally a characteristic we are born … Continue reading

The Secret Ingredient Of Brilliant Leaders And Managers

I have only come across a handful of brilliant leaders and managers in my working career. The ingredient these people shared was, they were intrinsically drawn to “doing the right thing”. The “right thing” for these leaders and managers wasn’t always popular. The act of choosing for them was sometimes personally agonising, … Continue reading

12 Reasons To Say “Thank You” – And Why The World Needs It.


Why Thank You is so much more important than you might think   Do you remember when you were a child.  Your parents’ or carers’s frequently gave words of advice and wisdom.  Many I must admit I shrugged off as being “just what parents say”.  But now I’m older, I … Continue reading

Never Mind The “X Factor”, Does your business have the “E” Factor?

What is the mysterious ingredient which makes your business great? That mysterious elusive quality of “the X Factor” existed before the popular shows.  The Oxford Dictionary describes the “X Factor” as “ a special quality, especially one that is essential for success and is difficult to describe”.  In the past I’ve … Continue reading

Making Right Minded Choices – A Leadership Challenge

The world is crying out for change. As the economy continues to look far from healthy,  environmental issues become increasingly urgent and superficial behaviours by leading figures are being exposed, it emerges there is a new desire for something better, something more aligned to who we believe  we  are.  Ethics … Continue reading