Lead Yourself First – The Impressive Impact of Relationship

In my view, money doesn’t make the world go around, relationships do. We are in relationship with everyone we meet, because we are always swapping energy.  Even the guy reading the paper in the adjacent seat on the train might leave an impression as you form an opinion about or … Continue reading

Lead Yourself First: The Empowering Magic of Detachment

Attachment can become unhealthy We all can become attached at some stage in our lives.  As children we are attached to our parents or other caregivers.  In this scenario attachment is seen as healthy and affirming. When an attachment prevents us from seeing or acting clearly it has become unhealthy. … Continue reading

Lead Yourself First – The Freedom of Taking Responsibility

Taking Responsibility is the key to greater freedom Responsibility can be a tough bedfellow.  Today in a couple of separate encounters, one with a 14 year old girl and the other a 40 year old man, I heard how they had recently experienced difficult times in their lives. What both … Continue reading

The Single Most Important Question to Ask to Get Great Results

As a school girl, I was pretty horrendous at meeting deadlines for handing in homework.  At the time I didn’t realise the more I was rebuked and reminded I was going to ruin my future, the more resistant I was to doing the work at all. Luckily I scraped by. Progressing to … Continue reading

Making family friendly work for you – 5 mistakes and how to avoid them

family friendly

Family Friendly is an employee and business benefit If you struggle to get the very best people to come and work for you.   If you believe your employees aren’t giving their best, or are stressed because their working life and domestic life don’t work well together.  Or if you … Continue reading

Recognise your team – 8 ways to say “Thank You” without saying the words

Valuing your team can only come from a sincere place A recent report in HR Magazine by David Woods reported “Employers are failing to inspire their staff and make them feel valued, with only 21% of employees believing their company cares about its staff, according to a YouGov survey of … Continue reading

Nine Attitudes of Emotionally Intelligent Leaders and Managers

Emotionally intelligent leaders and managers get the best results! Like learning to drive, leading and managing people is an experiential journey. My entrance onto the leadership stage was when I was promoted into the role, having stood in for the team leader from time to time   I don’t know about … Continue reading

Gross National Happiness on the balance sheet?

National Happiness is a tangible outcome! Because of my commitment to great people management and engagement, I was heartened to discover that the UN conference on national happiness and wellbeing which began in New York City on 2nd April came to the conclusion that good performance on GNP (Gross National … Continue reading

Know How + Great HR = Inspiration

Inspiration is the best way to engage people! Or  does it make you squirm? You may be an HR Professional leader or manager relying on HR to help move your business forward.  When discussing strategy with people of different roles at many levels, I have often been met with a … Continue reading

Happiness at Work

We all want Happiness at work! Today the sun is shining and the hope of a beautiful spring and lovely summer are in the air.  Most of us know the feeling of happiness and wellbeing that comes with a lovely sunny day. The day made me think about happiness at … Continue reading