e.MILE Expert Index

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e.MILE Expert Index

NAM Management

NAM Management
Interim Management, Troubleshooting, Business Planning, Business Growth, Risk Management, Consultant, Business Administration, Women’s Development
Nam Management is expert with broad experience in all aspects for Consulting and Interim Management.
Offering a wide range of work experience in Troubleshooting, Business Planning, Business Growth, Risk Management, Consultant, Business Administration, Women’s Development.

Benefit out of my performance and leadership from over 30 years of international experience as an operative Interim Manager. Several long term assignments in Europe, the Middle East and the United States successful completed projects.


Profitieren Sie aus meinem 30-jährigen inter-nationalen Erfahrungsschatz als operativ tätige Interim Managerin mit Führungsverant-wortung.

Ich biete Unterstützung bei personellen Eng-pässen in Administration, Finanzwesen und Personalwesen - kurz- oder  längerfristig


Was Sie von mir erwarten dürfen. Mein fun-diertes, breit gefächertes Know-how kombiniere ich mit einfachen Lösungen basierend auf  Tradition und Innovation.

Ich verfüge über internationale Erfahrung als Interim Managerin. Mehrmonatige berufliche Auslandsaufenthalte in Europa, Mittlerer Osten, USA und Nordafrika komplettieren meinen Leistungsausweis.


Erweitern Sie Ihren persönlichen Handlungs-spielraum und realisieren Sie Ihre Ziele. Engagieren Sie eine erfahrene Managerin auf Zeit.


Did you know, the e.MILE Community offers valuable articles, news features, and resources for leaders, managers, HR Professionals, and anyone involved in the people development and management field. To find out more about great HR Expertise, Leadership Development, Personal Development, or even our brilliant Business Services. Simply visit and bookmark the relevant pages. Find one of our e.MILE Experts, and help you, your business and your team grow.






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NAM Management

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If you are looking for an expert in Leadership and Management, HR or Personal Development, then look no further than The e.MILE community members. Our members have signed up to the e. MILE Expert Index because they believe in going The Extra MILE. They are passionate about what they do and they understand that the best way to make your business thrive and grow is to provide expert advice and services.*

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*  The e.MILE Community is not liable for the standard of work or advice given by any Community members. It is up to the client to conduct due diligence to ascertain whether a member is suitable and qualified for the work appointed for  - Click here for our Full Disclaimer: Terms and Conditions of Membership and Small Print