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TEND Strategic Partners

TEND Strategic Partners
TEND Strategic Partners works with overwhelmed CEOs whose companies are stuck, unstable, or facing rapid growth. The TEND System reduces stress, decreases costly mistakes and implements achievable actions, leading to greater profitability and sustainability.

Are you a business leader who struggles with implementing your good ideas?
Does your business model need work to maintain sustainable growth?

Maybe you’re just overwhelmed…

At TEND Strategic Partners, we recognize that such challenges are common among leaders. We want to help you.

Our system employs judgment-free active listening and thoughtful idea generation. We couple these with bite-size task components, to insure your business is capable of implementing ideas both old and new. Long gone are the days of old ideas sitting dusty on the shelf. TEND Strategic Partners invites you to put your ideas to action. We think they work better that way.

Our system hinges on various tools in order to tend the elements of success: diagnosing problems, planning solutions, implementing change, monitoring results, learning from the changes, and improving even further.

At Tend Strategic Partners, The TEND System™ comes as a simple 6-step approach.

1. Problem?

We come to a genuine understanding of your business’ situation and culture to form our solutions. We pay careful attention to the way your organization gets things done. Our eyes and ears are open, free of any judgment.

2. What’s the Plan?

We then apply a specialized blend of strategic thinking and experience in business operations to create an achievable action plan – one that will work for your specific needs and with the resources you have available.

3. Don’t Let the Advice Get Dusty

Good advice need not sit on the shelf. We take things one step further by applying a holistic combination of consulting, coaching and project management to achieve the changes your organization needs.

4. Routine Check-Up

Lasting growth can only happen when a system has regular feedback about its processes. Once your new system is in place, we monitor the results to make newly informed decisions regarding the direction of your company.

5. Change: We Know it’s Difficult

We know day-to-day crises impede progress on activities that will lead to long-term growth. We help you stop fighting fires and, instead, bring focus and structure to the project and make sure everyone involved stays on course. We learn from these changes. We guide you through these revisions.

6. Most Improved

The final step. We improve on our improvements. By this point, we are merely facilitators, helping you fully understand the challenges you may face in the future. But you’ve already done the work from the inside out. From now on there will be no debilitating potholes, only minor speed bumps.

[schema type="organization" orgtype="LocalBusiness" url="http://www.tendstrategicpartners.com/" name="TEND Strategic Partners" description="TEND Strategic Partners works with overwhelmed CEOs whose companies are stuck, unstable, or growing rapidly. We reduce stress, decrease costly mistakes and manage achievable actions, leading to greater profitability and sustainability." city="City of New York" state="New York" country="US" phone="" ]

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  • TEND Strategic Partners

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TEND Strategic Partners

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