360 Feedback

The 7 main steps to developing and giving 360 feedback.

360 FeedbackIn most organisations , a  Leader or  Manager must deal with a number of key people.   Each of these will require different services or interactions with the Leader or Manager.  Key people could include;  their own staff; customers, partners and suppliers.   One of the best tools organisations with professional HR expertise use to assess performance and to identify leadership development needs is 360 feedback.  This involves gathering feedback from a number of different “customers” of the Leader or Manager.  The 360 feedback tool can help give a rounded view of how leaders and managers in the organisation are performing.  Great leaders and managers embrace continuous  development. This tool used in the right way can achieve great results, and enhance your management development portfolio.

There are 7 main steps to developing and giving 360 feedback:

  1.  Decide on the purpose and outcomes required following the feedback.
  2.  Identify who the feedback is going to be given to. (The participant). Make sure that they give their consent and that they understand the purpose.
  3.  Identify a framework of competencies to be included.  The questions must be framed in a positive way.
  4.  Ask the participant to agree the key people to be  involved.
  5.  The participant will complete a self asssement so that they can measure their own assessment against others.
  6. Collect  data confidentially
  7.  Give feedback to the individual

The collective data from the 360 feedback can be used for analysis, subject to  confidentially provisions.

At People Discovery we can help you develop a great feedback tool, which can begin driving up performance immediately. This might include supporting you to:

  • Develop individual or team 360 feedback campaigns
  • Engage with leaders and managers to build a framework to develop the  360 feedback tool
  • Develop a tool aligned to KPI’s and essential skills
  • Conduct 360 feedback interviews.
  • Consolidate and deliver confidential results
  • Deliver 360 feedback through individual coaching sessions.
  • Develop an organisational framework  of key skills and gaps.°

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