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Archive for the Miscellaneous Category

50 Ways you can make a difference as a leader for 2014 – Join the leadership challenge!

I would like to invite you to a leadership challenge. Don’t worry there is no work required from you during this leadership challenge.  You can simply read,  observe, catch up if that is what you would like to do.  Alternatively, if something inspires you, then please join in, submit relevant articles, news, insights, contributions or even experiences.  Whatever you choose, its up to you, the only commitment is to sign […]

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3 Ways We Block Success

Three Ways We Block Success I’ve often wondered why people don’t as a rule live up to their potential: People with fabulous skills who for many reasons don’t feel the need to use them. A great friend of mine has the interior designer skill of Lawrence Llewellyn Bowen. She tirelessly attacks her house like painting the Forth Bridge, where she just finishes designing and changing her final room, then starts again. […]

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How Is Conflict Hurting Your Business?

Conflict often requires professional HR Expertise Have you ever dreaded going to work because you didn’t want to deal with all the conflict? Maybe you didn’t want to face a boss who nitpicks and over-analyzes everything or work with a co-worker who is constantly texting while you’re trying to explain something important. Well, you’re certainly not alone. Research shows that chronic unresolved conflict is a decisive factor in at least […]

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It’s Only Words

Very powerful but it’s only words I’ve been hearing a lot of speeches and conversations lately particularly from leaders of companies, organizations, and political candidates. They all got me thinking about language and what a powerful influence for good, bad, or indifferent words can have, how they can stick or simply slide away. I recently published my eBook on the topic of communicating in today’s market and I must say […]

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Performance Appraisals, Judge And BE Judged

Tasneem Hameed writes about the pitfalls of Performance Appraisals for The Extra MILE E-zine. “When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself”- Wayne Dyer To judge someone is a very difficult task. Even God who is almighty fixed a criterion for judging people, i.e. good deeds and bad deeds for reward and punishment. As their mind developed, humans too accepted its value for better control and […]

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A New Paradigm of Leadership and Management Development – redirected

To give clarity to my paradigm on leadership and management, I set out below my leadership development model which gives on overview of my own philosophy. I fell into the leadership and management field really.   When I left school at 16, with no expectations other than eventually to get married and start a family I had no clue what I wanted to do.  Taking the first job I could, in […]

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Heartfelt Leadership – A Seasonal Wish

Heartfelt Leadership - A Seasonal Wish

 A heartfelt Christmas wish for you   “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.           Soon the bells will start           And the thing that will make them ring is the carol that you sing           Right within your heart” I come from a large family.  We are very close although we don’t tend to spend Christmas […]

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A Recipe for Visionary Leadership

When it gets down to basics, we all have the same psychological operating systems, we give out and absorb energy, we take in information, think, feel, and make decisions.  However we use those depends on our own preferences, beliefs, values and experiences.  For many leaders being congruent with the way they use their psychological operating system is key. Expectations of our leaders are increasing   Ethical and value centred leadership seems […]

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21 Compelling Reasons To Get To Know Yourself And Your Team

As a leader, manager or HR Professional, one of your foundational strengths is the depth of your own self-awareness and awareness of how other’s tick.   You know the key to motivating people is being completely open and transparent and being able to be yourself, which in turn allows your team to follow suit. One of the easiest and globally credible tools to develop self-awareness and understanding is Myers Briggs Personality […]

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Five Ways To Step Out Of The World And Honour Yourself

You have to strike an equal balance between Work, Rest and Play I write a lot about inspiration and all that goes along with that.  I am great at describing great vision and different strategies and behaviours needed to make things happen.  Big action is often my cry.  And don’t get me started about emotional intelligence, intellectual dexterity; resilience, unity consciousness and how we relate to each other for example. […]

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