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Archive for the Organisational Change Category

How a Director Can Play a Pivotal Role in Organisational Change

How a Director Can Play a Pivotal Role in Organisational Change

As a Director or a senior team member, you have a pivotal role in leading the way for change in your organisation. You’ve set the strategic direction, and the project initiation is underway, your organisation is going through a huge change.  There is an expectation from the majority of employees, stakeholders and customers that transformation is going to happen.  You know it starts with you, but how can you personally […]

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Strategy – Set Your SAT NAV

Strategy - Set Your SAT NAV

Set  Your Strategy: Set  Your SAT NAV I am afraid I am a strategy geek.  What’s wrong with that? You might ask.  Well nothing except when you start developing a healthy eating strategy instead of a diet, or a university funding strategy instead of saving for your child’s uni course, it’s a bit sad. Well no, even I’m not that bad, although it’s been proven that many of us take […]

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3 Steps to Harness the Power of the Mind for Organisational Transformation

3 Steps to Harness the Power of the Mind for Organisational Transformation

In my article about the Hidden Power for Leadership and Life, I wrote about how beliefs, attitudes and expectations drive the outcomes within teams. In today’s blog I am expanding on those ideas and identifying how the power of the mind can be harnessed to lead your team. The conscious mind is selective.  If we don’t like something about ourselves or others, or we just don’t want to think about […]

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The 5 Step Blueprint Of Successful Organisational Change

The 5 Step Blueprint Of Successful Organisational Change

A Blueprint for Change In my capacity as a Leadership and HR Consultant, I am mostly called in when a problem has been encountered or a change is needed.    Consultancy is of course about understanding the problem, so a solution can be found.  Because I understand that organisations have a personality just like people, the problem is always unique to that particular organisation.   And so of course it follows, the […]

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Are You Awake To Change?

Are You Awake To Change?

Change has been quite a topic for me this week, both from a personal point of view and from some of my clients Change models are helpful and I have found with clients that any approach to change and therefore the preferred model, depends pretty much on the situation and the preference of the person wanting to instigate the change. Standard models, like Kotter’s “8-Step Process for Leading Change” are […]

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12 Ways To Illuminate The Vision, While Dealing With The Realistic Stuff

12 Ways To Illuminate The Vision, While Dealing With The Realistic Stuff

It’s challenging being realistic, when you are chasing a vision. I write a lot about leadership  and how leaders can choose to see things from another perspective.  One of my inspirations is Carl Jung, especially his work on archetypes and dream analysis.  I see patterns and connections all around me, and if you know anything about Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) , you will understand it’s because I have a […]

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Never Mind The ” X Factor “, Does your business have the “E” Factor?

Never Mind The " X Factor ", Does your business have the "E" Factor?

What is the mysterious X Factor ingredient which makes your business great? That mysterious elusive quality of “the X Factor” existed before the popular shows.  The Oxford Dictionary describes the “X Factor” as ” a special quality, especially one that is essential for success and is difficult to describe”.  In the past I’ve asked the question “Does your business have the X Factor?”  Of course we all want to be in […]

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Organisational Change – Making the Best of Bad News

Organisational Change - Making the Best of Bad News

Its not the organisational change – its how you do it! I recently held a workshop which had a section around organisational change and particularly redundancy.  It’s obviously a big subject at the minute, and one which is exercising many managers and HR professionals. What struck me about the difference within this workshop to those I had held before was that there was less discussion about the case for redundancy.   […]

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