The Secret Ingredient Of Brilliant Leaders And Managers

leaders and managersI have only come across a handful of brilliant leaders and managers in my working career.

The ingredient these people shared was, they were intrinsically drawn to “doing the right thing”. The “right thing” for these leaders and managers wasn’t always popular. The act of choosing for them was sometimes personally agonising, but they still made those decisions.

When questioned, many leaders and managers know what “doing the right thing” is, but quite often,  mysteriously,  they just don’t make that decision.  Thus, opportunities are lost, credibility is questioned and results are lower than expected.

Sometimes leaders and managers don’t “do the right thing” because they:

  • Take the least line of resistance
  • Are swayed and intimidated by counter opinion
  • Don’t have the confidence to make difficult decisions
  • Don’t believe or are not in touch with their intuition
  • Are simply not brave enough
  • Are blinkered to values which are inclusive, caring and fair

Let’s face it if everyone “did the right thing” we would have little need for in the way in which we have it now.

We would never unfairly dismiss or discriminate against people.  We would never allow disrespectful behaviour.  We would naturally want to consult with people whose very livelihood was affected by possible redundancy.  We would want people to have appropriate work/life balance.   Wouldn’t we?

Businesses frequently find statute and regulation to be prohibitive and frustrating.  In the worst scenario, employers may see regulation as a barrier to getting what they want and employees may use regulation to beat the employer about the head when they are unjustifiably disgruntled.

I’m not advocating we shouldn’t have any regulation, or guidance or indeed laws about employing people.  Safeguards need to be in place, and expectations need to be clarified.  Both employers and employees need to have in place a certain amount of protection. I’m just saying if you are a brilliant leader or manager, you don’t need them in order to know what the right thing to do is, in most situations.

A brilliant leader and manager will rarely have to buy in expert employment law advice or instigate formal procedures for the sake of it.  Instead, they regularly and routinely take consistent action and use guiding principles such as:

  • Draw up simple and helpful guidelines and policies
  • Have standards for everything they do which are accessible and simple to execute
  • Understand people have a life outside of the business, but expect people to work to the best of their ability when they are there.
  • Have the best interests of their employees at heart because they know a happy workforce serves their customers better
  • Know how to manage difference and still find a common thread to unite people
  • Believe the difference is beneficial to the company in a myriad of ways
  • Helps the business to survive and thrive knowing this is in the best interests of employees.    As a result, they always know the bottom line and act on it.
  • Are open, honest and transparent and have nothing to hide
  • Treat people fairly giving them the benefit of the doubt whilst being firm about boundaries.
  • Use regulation or guidance positively to help shape recruitment and management expertise

When leaders and managers don’t understand how to manage difference whether it is psychological, cultural, or an equality issue, or are more concerned about speedy outcomes at the expense of the people they employ, then there is a danger unhelpful decisions will be made.

Employees who don’t respect the contractual terms and goodwill, by which the employment contract is meant to be carried out by them, can cause endless headaches for businesses, especially those struggling to survive.  Employees who don’t understand businesses have to make tough decisions, to survive or thrive, can derail a business by being resistant to change.   These are the people who can waste precious energy and costs for employers and brilliant leaders and managers are skilled at nipping this kind of attitude and behaviour in the bud.

Employers need to make sure they don’t complain about regulation to paper over the inadequacies of their leaders and managers.  Employees need to understand that businesses expect them to be an asset, not a drain:  Do the best they can and fulfill the requirements of their contract to the best of their ability.

The employment contract should be a two-way, win-win contract.  If you are a leader or manager, and you want to be a brilliant one, then it’s simple    “Do the right thing”.



This great article is from the People Discovery blog, associated with The e.MILE People Development Magazine: the Magazine is currently running a series for the 6 months April to September 2014 based on the challenges identified by The Centre For Creative Leaderships report 2013 Don't Miss Out!  Sign up here to be notified of our subsequent issues and posts


If you are a leader, you are continually developing and "Sharpening the Saw".  If you lead and manage teams, then you must read about our Inspirational New Leadership Programme.  Sign up now to find out more details when we launch in July 2014.  There is no obligation to undertake the programme, if you sign up today, you will simply be sent more information about the programme.  You can unsubscribe at any time!  Click below to register for further information.


Making Right Minded Choices – A Leadership Challenge

right minded
Leaders need to make   if we are going to shift to a new paradigm

The world is crying out for change.  Although the economy is showing tentative signs of recovery, environmental issues are  become increasingly urgent and exposure of superficial behaviours by leading figures are well documented, it emerges there is a new desire for something better, something more aligned to who we believe  we  are.  Ethics and values are once again becoming fashionable words and greater consciousness about how we relate to each other is emerging. We desperately need a new world order. 

The problem is of course, the old world order wants to cling on to the way things have always been.   Sometimes the resistance to change is because of fear of the unknown, and sometimes it is to preserve an outdated identity.

The way we work and interact with each other will have to change, if we are to move forward in a less destructive, careless way.  No longer can the old values of self-interest, personal competitiveness and results at all cost be sustainable.   Values, collaboration, responsibility and a recognition that we are all in this together must prevail.

We are all leaders for someone.   It might be our organisation, our family, our children, our partner, our pupils, our siblings, or even our elders. We are all in relationship with each other and like it or not, who we are impacts someone else.  Who we are impacts our society, our environment and our world.

Depending on how much you accept responsibility will determine whether you take up the challenge, or leave it for others to do so.   Leaving it for others to do so is the old world order.  Leaving it for others to do so is abdicating responsibility and giving away your individual power. And we all do that at times.  Even the most enlightened people do, it  is part of our human psyche.

Our choices stem from two paradigms.  One is the mind of the ego.  When we are making choices from an ego paradigm  the characteristics of our choices are cloaked in fear, scarcity, specialness, entitlement and a victim mentality for example.  The other is the mind of our higher self.  When we are making choices with this paradigm, they are characteristically, loving, win/win, from a position of strength, equality, happy and joy based.   We all use these two minds sometimes, although we are often not aware of it

The higher mind is in fact our right or true mind.  When making choices from our right mind it always results in peace, love and happiness.  It recognises that we are all connected and that our true nature is loving and inclusive.

If we are not using our right mind, it is usually because we are afraid, don’t like ourselves very much or feeling guilty about something, even though we may not be consciously aware of it    In many cultures, especially in a work environment, leading and making choices from our right mind can seem fluffy and unrealistic, but actually it is tough and shows strength of real character.  It is indeed the road less travelled.

So in the new world, true leadership will come from those who are able to access the right mind.   This can be a tall order for some people, but a necessary step.  Some of the attributes of someone who uses right minded thinking more consistently than others are:

  • Self-Awareness – An understanding of the choices and impact of choosing between the ego and the right mind.
  • Resilience  – resilience against the ego thought system and the pressure to conform to negative beliefs
  • Ability to tap into the right mind – being able to pause before reacting and choosing ones thoughts.  Living in a different paradigm.
  • Humility – A recognition that we are all in it together and an appreciation that their choices matter and therefore they choose  carefully and with humility
  • Vision – A vision borne out of collective interest and not self interest
  • Responsibility – a no blame culture in every situation.  The victim and persecutor dynamics are dissolved.
  • Generosity – kindness, inclusivity – not excluding anyone, sharing, realising everyone is equally valuable, and can equally make mistakes.
  • Wisdom – understanding when to let go and when to pursue
  • Non – Judgemental – realising everyone is either acting from their right mind, which is love or ego mind which is lack of love.

And finally they will be courageous.  The ego decision maker in our make-up and culture is the norm.  The true leader has to have the courage to put their head above the parapet and challenge the norm, whilst respecting everyone’s right to choose.  No mean task.

Are you a right minded leader?  Do you have examples of great leadership?  What are your views?  I’d love to hear from you.


This great article is from the People Discovery blog, associated with The e.MILE People Development Magazine: the Magazine is currently running a series for the 6 months April to September 2014 based on the challenges identified by The Centre For Creative Leaderships report 2013 Don't Miss Out!  Sign up here to be notified of our subsequent issues and posts


If you are a leader, you are continually developing and "Sharpening the Saw".  If you lead and manage teams, then you must read about our Inspirational New Leadership Programme.  Sign up now to find out more details when we launch in July 2014.  There is no obligation to undertake the programme, if you sign up today, you will simply be sent more information about the programme.  You can unsubscribe at any time!  Click below to register for further information.