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Archive for the Leadership Development Category

Essential Entrepreneurial Energies for Exceptional Success

Essential Entrepreneurial Energies for Exceptional Success

Entrepreneurial Energies Which Demonstrate Exceptional Success I don’t watch TV much, but when I do, it’s usually because something has caught my interest and I am going to learn something essential.   My current guilty pleasure is watching Million Dollar Listing (New York).  For the uninitiated, Million Dollar Listing is a reality TV show following the trials and tribulations of 3 successful Realtors in New York City, who are living the […]

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The 25 Step Employee Mindset Audit For Successful Culture Change

The 25 Step Employee Mindset Audit For Successful Culture Change

Developing an Employee Mindset Committed to Growth is Essential In my experience, employee mindset is one of the most difficult and tricky issues for a leader or manager to tackle.  Of course, in an ideal world at the recruitment stage, leaders would hopefully choose people with a mindset which is condusive to the success of the business, but often this is simply not the reality.  Many circumstances can make employees appear […]

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5 Little Articulated Truths Which Shape Our World View

5 Little Articulated Truths Which Shape Our World View

Our World View Shapes Our Experience We all have an individual world view.  Our view of the world can be big picture or a series of details, much depends on our psychological make-up, experiences, beliefs and ideas about the world.  As individuals we are all unique in this respect and world views are individual, so no matter how much we try, we can never completely see the world the same […]

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Your Thinking Will Determine The Success of Your Business

Your Thinking Will Determine The Success of Your Business

We all know positive thinking is beneficial. There has been lots of research carried out which shows the business benefits of positive and happy people in your business will make it more successful, productive and innovate. Whether we like it or not, our reality is changed by the way we think. If you don’t believe that, then you need to get in touch with the latest Quantum Science.   As it turns […]

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The Getting Of Wisdom

The Getting Of Wisdom

Wisdom is defined in the Oxford Dictionary as “The quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgement; the quality of being wise“. How is wisdom measured? But how is wisdom measured?  How do we know who is wise or who isn’t?  Isn’t wisdom a subjective judgment made in the light of whether we agree with the person or not?  Do the army of ISIL think their leader who is beheading victims in support of […]

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Characteristics of People with a Generous Spirit, Who Make Memorable Leaders

Characteristics of People with a Generous Spirit, Who Make Memorable Leaders

Leaders who have a generous spirit are more memorable I come from a family of people with a generous spirit. This has very little to do with money, even though they would give their last if circumstances required it. Having a generous spirit can sometimes be inherent and sometimes it is a way of being which is learned or uncovered. For me, I can’t remember any time my family wasn’t […]

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4 Practical Steps To Embedding Values In Your Business

4 Practical Steps To Embedding Values In Your Business

Ethics and Values are Essential for New Leadership We all know the world is changing and individual and organisational values are no longer contained in a statement pinned to the wall or listed as a page of single adjectives in a mission document or business plan as they were in the past, Ethics and values are the new checklist which will be the choice point for talented employees, discerning customers […]

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3 Leadership Skills To Inspire Team Success

3 Leadership Skills To Inspire Team Success

3 Leadership skills Leaders usually have a balancing act to perform, especially around how much they allow their team to contribute to organisational success, or how much they take upon their own shoulders.   How  well they harness the commitment, effort, skills and effectiveness of their team and how well they are able to let go and allow their team to take up the challenge and deliver, depends on how […]

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Responsibility – The Road To Freedom

Responsibility - The Road To Freedom

Taking Responsibility is the key to greater freedom Responsibility can be a tough bedfellow.  Today in a couple of separate encounters, one with a 14 year old girl and the other a 40 year old man, I heard how they had recently experienced difficult times in their lives. What both had in common was they blamed others for their plight.  The common theme was ”If only x had done y […]

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Lead Yourself First: Attachment and Letting Go

Lead Yourself First: Attachment and Letting Go

Attachment can become unhealthy We all can become attached at some stage in our lives.  As children we are attached to our parents or other caregivers.  In this scenario attachment is seen as healthy and affirming. When an attachment prevents us from seeing or acting clearly it has become unhealthy.   Sometimes we are attached to other people, to particular kinds of situations, or substances for example.  Obsessive attachments as […]

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