Underperformance – The Does and Don’t of Managing it

Managing Underperformance

The Do’s and Don’ts of Managing Underperformance The extension from one year to two years for right to file unfair dismissal claims in April is a welcome change for most employers.  There is a lurking fear that where employment is terminated, that disgruntled employees will resort to including other elements … Read More

Employee Surveys, 10 Ways They Fail

Employee Surveys

Employee surveys can be costly mistakes Despite the heading, I do not advocate ditching your employee survey.  Employee surveys are great ways to find out globally what your employees think about your organisation, their experience as an employee and also how bought into your vision, values, mission etc they are. … Read More

Your Employees And Your New Years Resolution

Your Employees Your New Year

If your New Year’s resolution doesn’t include some positive steps for your employees, then you are missing a trick. There are some great enlightened businesses out there who know that the secret to longevity and real business success is made up of two critical, unequivocal elements which include their employees.  … Read More