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People Development Blog

The People Discovery Blog is a bit of a labour of love.  I love sharing new ideas, concepts and strategies to help leaders, managers, business owners, or anyone interested in people development see fresh and new perspectives, or even to reinforce their own great practices.

My blog includes topics on leadership development, leadership practices, human resources.  My leadership development model is the filter for all of my work, both in how I help clients and also how I write.  You can find out more about the model here.  I believe that inside of everyone is a higher self which is powerful, loving, kind and creative.  In addition I believe that when you can come to the realisation that we are all connected, then it is inevitable that a unity consciousness develops.  The power of living life through unity consciousness is that it resolves all conflicts and unites all people.  I hope you learn and enjoy my blog.  I wish you peace, love and enlightenment in your life.

12 Reasons To Say “Thank You” – And Why The World Needs It.

12 Reasons To Say "Thank You" – And Why The World Needs It.

Why Thank You is so much more important than you might think   Do you remember when you were a child.  Your parents’ or carers’s frequently gave words of advice and wisdom.  Many I must admit I shrugged off as being “just what parents say”.  But now I’m older, I realise of course there was many nuggets of hidden wisdom included in the advice I received.  Below is just one […]

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Great Spirits Have Often Encountered Violent Opposition From Mediocre Minds

Great Spirits Have Often Encountered Violent Opposition From Mediocre Minds

Albert Einstein said that Great Spirits have often encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. And  so it seems.  Many of our great spirits and leaders such as Jesus Christ, Martin Luther King Jr , John F Kennedy, Nelson Mandela, Viktor Frankl, Ghandi either suffered greatly through their lives or their lives were shortened considerably.   Theirs was a wisdom which is often the “road less travelled”, and so without understanding […]

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Why A Leader Must Consider Being Visible on Social Media

Why A Leader Must Consider Being Visible on Social Media

The World In Your Lap – Leadership, Social Media And Authenticity I’ve read a number of articles recently about whether it is a good idea for CEOs to embrace various social media platforms. One of the  latest to add to the debate is Richard Branson. In his article “Why aren’t more business leaders online?, he quotes  IBM’s 2012 Global CEO Study which reports only 16% of CEOs use social media, and even […]

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Never Mind The ” X Factor “, Does your business have the “E” Factor?

Never Mind The " X Factor ", Does your business have the "E" Factor?

What is the mysterious X Factor ingredient which makes your business great? That mysterious elusive quality of “the X Factor” existed before the popular shows.  The Oxford Dictionary describes the “X Factor” as ” a special quality, especially one that is essential for success and is difficult to describe”.  In the past I’ve asked the question “Does your business have the X Factor?”  Of course we all want to be in […]

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You Become what you Believe

You Become what you Believe

In the Words of the Song “What you believe is true”   Our beliefs are like a self imposed box around which clouds the access to any reality we want.  What you believe is nothing but a filter which helps create your world.  You may well think that what you believe is true, but you only have to listen to other people’s beliefs which contrast or contradict your own to understand that […]

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Making Right Minded Choices – A Leadership Challenge

Making Right Minded Choices – A Leadership Challenge

 Leaders need to make  right minded choices if we are going to shift to a new paradigm The world is crying out for change.  Although the economy is showing tentative signs of recovery, environmental issues are  become increasingly urgent and exposure of superficial behaviours by leading figures are well documented, it emerges there is a new desire for something better, something more aligned to who we believe  we  are.  Ethics […]

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An Obstacle is Often a Stepping Stone

An Obstacle is Often a Stepping Stone

An Obstacle Can Help You Gauge Your Determination Do you get tired of problems, irritating issues and obstacles along the way?  You are not alone.  Building resilience is an essential component of success.  When you get to the state where you don’t care there are obstacles because you are so intrinsically motivated, then you realise obstacles are actually designed to make you more determined.  They are there to challenge your […]

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How To Re-ngage Disaffected Managers In Your Team

How To Re-ngage Disaffected Managers In Your Team

Re-engaging Managers can be done, and is vital for the health of your organisation. Hello and welcome to this month’s dilemma which is all about disengaged managers: The challenge This month, an employer asked for advice on how to motivate a group of middle managers. These managers had provided feedback indicating that they were demotivated due to a lack of control as they felt that the senior management team had […]

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When Trouble Hits – 8 Ways to Develop Resilience, Options and “Falling up”

When Trouble Hits – 8 Ways to Develop Resilience, Options and “Falling up”

Resilience is shown in the most unusual of circumstances When I was small, my parents had a part of our garden tarmacked over.  I can still remember my mother’s delight when the spring crocuses pushed through the tarmac to flower year after year.  Whenever I think of our own resilience and ability to shine through adversity, I think of the hardiness of those delicate little flowers. Like me, you know […]

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The Many Faces of Performance Management

The Many Faces of Performance Management

The Many Faces of Performance Management – By Julie Gordon I’m really pleased  to introduce a guest post from Julie Gordon.  I have known and worked with Julie for a number of years.  Julie was my tutor and mentor when I was taking my PAC qualification with CIPD.  I was and am still grateful for her help and support  during that time.  Many times I wanted to give it all […]

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