Strategy – Set Your SAT NAV


Set  Your Strategy: Set  Your SAT NAV I am afraid I am a strategy geek.  What’s wrong with that? You might ask.  Well nothing except when you start developing a healthy eating strategy instead of a diet, or a university funding strategy instead of saving for your child’s uni course, … Read More

Building Reputation Through Your Employees


Building Reputation through your Employees is always the first step It is even more important to encourage behaviours and demonstrate values which enhance your reputation.  There is a lot of competition out there.  Businesses are growing stronger through the power of networking, collaborating and becoming social.  Great businesses have already … Read More

7 Ways to Get It Right And Give Management The Credit They Deserve


A Management role is a multi-talented one! I have read so many negative reports about management over the last few months that I felt I had to stand up and hurl in a different perspective.   In the past few months, I’ve read quotes such as: “three quarters of employers report a … Read More

Responsibility – The Road To Freedom


Taking Responsibility is the key to greater freedom Responsibility can be a tough bedfellow.  Today in a couple of separate encounters, one with a 14 year old girl and the other a 40 year old man, I heard how they had recently experienced difficult times in their lives. What both … Read More

Lead Yourself First: Attachment and Letting Go


Attachment can become unhealthy We all can become attached at some stage in our lives.  As children we are attached to our parents or other caregivers.  In this scenario attachment is seen as healthy and affirming. When an attachment prevents us from seeing or acting clearly it has become unhealthy. … Read More

Lead Yourself First – The Impressive Impact of Relationship


In my view, money doesn’t make the world go around, relationships do. We are in relationship with everyone we meet, because we are always swapping energy.  Even the guy reading the paper in the adjacent seat on the train might leave an impression as you form an opinion about or … Read More

7 Essential Mindset Shifts of New Leadership

leadership model pic

Leadership of the future will be all about mindset New Leaders will be at the forefront of creating paradigm shifts for themselves, their teams and followers.  Not only will they  lead by example, but they will show others through focused thinking and vision a brave new world. There are certain ingredients which … Read More

Five Ways To Get Rid Of Stress and Honour Yourself


To alleviate stress, you have to strike an equal balance between work, rest and play. I write a lot about inspiration and what leaders should be doing well.   I am always keen to describe how we should have vision and be using reaching strategies and behaviours to make things … Read More

A New Paradigm – A Leadership Development Model

The People Discovery Leadership Development Model

To give clarity to my paradigm on leadership and management, I set out below my leadership development model which gives on overview of my own philosophy. I fell into the leadership and management field really.   When I left school at 16, with no expectations other than eventually to get married … Read More

Challenging Limiting Beliefs Is A Leadership Skill


Understanding how people tick is essential for a leader, especially at the level of our beliefs. Beliefs create our individual and collective worlds.  Millions of pieces of information are available to us at any one time.  Our beliefs and the parameters which are then laid down by our beliefs determine … Read More