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Be Careful What You Set Your Heart Upon— For It Will Surely Be Yours

Be Careful What You Set Your Heart Upon— For It Will Surely Be Yours

Be careful:  How to set out your future goals

It’s always amazing, when we set our goals, ask the Universe for what we want and harness the power of our imagination and subconscious minds to get what we want, and it appears, isn’t it?   Well, in reality, no, its not always amazing.  It is always revealing though!  The problem is of course, we often simply don’t know what is good for us, and that’s why we need to be careful.    When I set out on my journey, I set myself 4 goals which involved what I believed,  if achieved,  would make me happy.  Of course, I had forgotten the fundemental rule; nothing external makes you happy, you choose to be happy or not!

One of the goals I set out for myself involved setting up a business selling inspirational gifts.   Because it wasn’t one of my priorities, I forgot about it once I had set it, and some months passed.  Imagine my surprise when the opportunity presented itself and with some brilliant people, I was able to jointly establish a business to sell inspirational gifts.  Some months in, I realised that while I loved what the business represented, and it had great potential to be successful; I had underestimated what a call on my time it would be and, when the reality hit me, how little I really wanted to make the required effort to make it happen.   It sounds defeatist, but I firmly believe this world is like a catalogue with two categories.  “What we want, and what we don’t want”.    When we are presented with what we don’t want then we need to choose again.

With great gratitude to my colleagues I quietly withdrew from the business wishing them every success.  When I drilled down to what I really wanted, I realised it was to inspire people.  For some reason, I thought setting up such a business this would achieve this, but actually the whole process involved didn’t fill me with enthusiasm.   Instead, I reverted back to my firm advice in business which is to set outcomes and not goals.

Years ago, I coached a young entrepreneur who told me “The reality is, I don’t know what I want to do”.  My advice to her was:  “If you don’t know what you want, or if what you want is good for you, then instead set your outcome”.  Instead of specifiying what your business should look like, ask for how you will feel about it.

I always set outcomes in a future tense, so they are always expressed as if they are happening now.   Believe me it is wholly more powerful.  If your goal is “to want” something then again, be careful, you might just end up continuously wanting and not receiving.


red cross

“I have a successful  business selling inspirational gifts”


green tick            ” I  inspire people on a daily basis, in a way which enthuses and inspires me, and makes me feel like I’m making a difference”

Or indeed one of the best wishes is simply “I want to feel at peace about myself and the world, and to feel happy everyday”.     Then simply wait for the inspiration to flow!

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