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Your Thinking Will Determine The Success of Your Business

Your Thinking Will Determine The Success of Your Business

We all know positive thinking is beneficial.

There has been lots of research carried out which shows the business benefits of positive and happy people in your business will make it more successful, productive and innovate.

Whether we like it or not, our reality is changed by the way we think. If you don’t believe that, then you need to get in touch with the latest    As it turns out, we are all energetically connected, and as we change our energy, everything; yes everything,  in the Universe is changed; even if imperceptibly.

As a great advocate of wellbeing, not just physically, but emotionally and mentally too, I am heartened that the world is now waking up to the fact that it actually pays to be happy.  The introduction of the United Nations International Day of Happiness, which happened on 20th March is a great testament to the progress made.    And while happiness and wellbeing are great goals to aim for, in creating an environment at work which fosters such states:  It simply isn’t enough.

We have available to us 3 fundamental states of reality:  The Past: Present and Future.  When we are always thinking historically, and about our past experiences, we are constantly imagining how things were: As a result of that, we usually recreate the same situations again and again.  Our days become the same and we slip into that insiduous comfort zone without realising what is slipping through our trance.  Suddenly we wake up after many years and realise life has passed us by.

Alternatively, we are focused on the “here and now”, and in some respects a very healthy state to be; If we are focusing on what is unique or new about this present moment.  Unfortunately, many of us don’t:  We watch TV or read the papers and look at what we have created.  We bemoan the state of the world, the culprits and the situations which seem to keep us trapped in scarcity, violence and poverty.

If we consider that our energy and our thinking is creating our reality, then to change our reality, we have to think differently.  We have to stop thinking about the ills of the past, stop thinking about the horrors of the world and begin to think about what we want.   And big health check here:   You can’t clearly think about what you want, when you are always thinking about what you don’t want.  You also, can’t think about what you want, when you are worrying about how to get it.   It is a very significant and important distinction.

The reason many individuals, teams, businesses and governments settle for mediocre, struggle and strife is because we don’t stop focusing long enough on the historical proof and the uncomfortable present.  When we do take time out to envisage a future we might want, then we don’t let the vision solidify in our mindseye before we begin to worry about how we might not get that future or indeed how on earth we are going to achieve it.

Truly great entrepreneurs don’t think like that:  Look at Richard Branson.  He doesn’t worry about whether Virgin Galactic will be successful or not, he has a vision and he believes he can materialise it.

It is the same with your business.  If you are worrying about what’s happened in the past; or you are worried that you won’t be able to create a great future because of all the barriers in the way, then guess what:  Your thinking is out of alignment with your vision, and you will likely stay exactly where you are.  To change things, you need to solidify your vision in your mind.  You need to put aside the past and what’s happening right now long enough to get that vision so clear in your mind, that you can touch it, feel it, and talk it, and you create new thinking about it .

What the world needs now, what your business needs now, is a vision.  A clear vision which if is solidified sufficiently in our minds will generate the energetic match which will create the action and opportunities which will create that very vision.  If we think about our vision as if it is already a done deal, then our energy must be changed, and as quantum science is indeed proving, then our world has to change in response.

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