How Is Conflict Hurting Your Business?

How is Conflict Hurting Your Business

Conflict often requires professional HR Expertise Have you ever dreaded going to work because you didn’t want to deal with all the conflict? Maybe you didn’t want to face a boss who nitpicks and over-analyzes everything or work with a co-worker who is constantly texting while you’re trying to explain … Continue reading

3 Reasons Why A Great Engagement Strategy Isn’t Enough


An ability to create an environment where employees are engaged and encouraged to bring out their self-motivation are “must have” leadership skills. I have worked with many leaders who have made great efforts to put in place a culture which gets the best out of people and gets them involved … Continue reading

Leaders Make Mistakes Too – 5 Steps to Redeem a Potentially Fatal Error

Mistakes picture

  Ethics, morality and values based leadership are high on any thought leaders agenda right now. Realisation that materialism, self-gain and profit above ethics is no longer tenable, means leaders now have to be really clear their organisational and personal values, not only have to match, but must be demonstrated … Continue reading

7 Ways to Increase Your Odds of Success

blog success

There is no fool-proof way to make sure you reach success in everything you do. If you are a poker player, you will know that no matter how good the cards are; or how well you play them; there is always a chance that you will be “drawing dead”. For … Continue reading

It’s Only Words

Its only words

Very powerful but it’s only words I’ve been hearing a lot of speeches and conversations lately particularly from leaders of companies, organizations, and political candidates. They all got me thinking about language and what a powerful influence for good, bad, or indifferent words can have, how they can stick or … Continue reading

The 3 Biggest Mistakes Leaders Make Which Diminishes Their Credibility


The 3 Biggest Mistakes Leaders Make Which Diminishes Their Credibility Inconveniently, I’ve always had a conscience for some reason. This is not a holier than thou admission, it is just telling it how it is.  It doesn’t mean I’ve always done the right thing, in fact I could fill this … Continue reading