Need to Find Inspiration? – 5 ways to get in the Zone


  I work best when I’m inspired. What do I mean by inspired? For me, it is a feeling of “all’s well” with the world: A certainty that nothing is going to go wrong and what I am doing is meant to be. When I am inspired, time ceases to … Continue reading

5 Reasons to Go The Extra Mile and Live Your Best Life


I couldn’t resist taking my most topical theme of the whole month and writing about it today! Yes, I am really proud and excited to announce that our monthly E-zine Launches today, and to celebrate I wanted to share with you, the reasons I think it’s imperative to go the extra mile. … Continue reading

The 5 Deadly Temptations of Specialness Great Leaders Avoid


Being a great leader is paradoxical. Leaders have to be pretty special people to be great, although in order to be great they fundamentally understand that everyone is the same. We are either all special or all ordinary.In group work, I invariably ask people to give me an example of … Continue reading

Take Another Look : How Your Perception Is Changing Your World


  I’ve wanted to write an article on perception for a long time, and for a while, until today, the words haven’t come. Today I had a big personal breakthrough when I was able to see something I had long viewed in a certain way, differently. I feel differently and I … Continue reading

The 5 Step Blueprint Of Successful Organisational Change


In my capacity as a Leadership and HR Consultant, I am mostly called in when a problem has been encountered or a change is needed.    Consultancy is of course about understanding the problem, so a solution can be found.  Because I understand that organisations have a personality just like people, … Continue reading