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12 Reasons To Say “Thank You” – And Why The World Needs It.

12 Reasons To Say "Thank You" – And Why The World Needs It.

Why Thank You is so much more important than you might think

Do you remember when you were a child.  Your parents’ or carers’s frequently gave words of advice and wisdom.  Many I must admit I shrugged off as being “just what parents say”.  But now I’m older, I realise of course there was many nuggets of hidden wisdom included in the advice I received.  Below is just one example.

The beauty of social media is the ability to connect with many great people I wouldn’t otherwise be able to, and my connections include many great USA citizens who are celebrating Thanksgiving Day this Thursday.

In the UK the nearest we ever got to a Thanksgiving was when we used to celebrate our Harvest Festival.  When I was a child the Harvest Festival was a big deal at school.  The Harvest Festival was a form of thanksgiving where we celebrated the food we received and gave to those less fortunate of us.  (My mother regularly cleared out her “tins cupboard”, to pack me off to school, with my donation for the school hampers, they usually gave to the elderly and sick).  Now I may simply mix in the wrong circles, but it’s literally years since I heard about the Harvest Festival.

When we were kids, my family were big on manners, and we were automatically taught to say “Thank you”   It was the done thing, and if we violated this exercise in politeness, we were taken to task with a big frown.

Of course as a child,  I didn’t realise the significance of those words and why they are so important.  It took me years to stop being polite with my “Thank you’s” and to mean them with sincerity. Much of my growing awareness stemmed from my life simply not working.  I was tenacious enough to want to discover why.   One of the reasons it wasn’t working had a lot to do with my polite “Thank you”  and here’s why.

  1. We are all transmitters radiating who we really are in our being, whether aware of it or not
  2. The essence of what we believe, think and feel is being communicated to everyone we meet without saying a word.  It’s called energy, and what we send out, we receive right back
  3. When we say one thing, but are thinking another, on a level, it is picked up by others and we become in-congruent
  4. Saying “Thank you” without meaning it means we become in-congruent
  5. Feeling grateful when we say “Thank you” means we are in alignment with our truth
  6. Feeling gratitude and appreciation are akin to feeling universal and unconditional love
  7. Getting in touch with our feelings of gratitude must be practised like a muscle
  8. The more we practice, the more we feel grateful for, and that means we focus more on things we are grateful for
  9. What we focus on grows
  10. What we pay attention to grows
  11. When we practice, focus on and pay attention to our gratitude we get more things and people to be grateful for
  12. When our world is full of things to be grateful for, it means we have a world filled with love

In my country the UK, we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving.  I think as a result we fail to celebrate and exercise our muscle of love and it’s collectively sorely missing.  My parents were right.  Saying “Thank You”  is essential, the piece they didn’t quite understand to teach us was that we needed to say it with meaning.   Do you say “Thank you” politely or “Thank you” with gratitude?




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  1. Hi Christina! I love your post…and your name. My grandmother’s name was Christine.

    • Hi Deri, thanks for the feedback on the article :) And Christine Latimer, is very similar to Christina Lattimer, unusual! I had a look at your site, and thought it was great. Thanks for taking the time to comment, it is very much appreciated.


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