The Secret Ingredient Of Brilliant Leaders And Managers

I have only come across a handful of brilliant leaders and managers in my working career. The ingredient these people shared was, they were intrinsically drawn to “doing the right thing”. The “right thing” for these leaders and managers wasn’t always popular. The act of choosing for them was sometimes personally agonising, … Continue reading

12 Reasons To Say “Thank You” – And Why The World Needs It.


Why Thank You is so much more important than you might think   Do you remember when you were a child.  Your parents’ or carers’s frequently gave words of advice and wisdom.  Many I must admit I shrugged off as being “just what parents say”.  But now I’m older, I … Continue reading

Never Mind The “X Factor”, Does your business have the “E” Factor?

What is the mysterious ingredient which makes your business great? That mysterious elusive quality of “the X Factor” existed before the popular shows.  The Oxford Dictionary describes the “X Factor” as “ a special quality, especially one that is essential for success and is difficult to describe”.  In the past I’ve … Continue reading

Making Right Minded Choices – A Leadership Challenge

Leaders need to make  right minded choices if we are going to shift to a new paradigm The world is crying out for change.  Although the economy is showing tentative signs of recovery, environmental issues are  become increasingly urgent and exposure of superficial behaviours by leading figures are well documented, … Continue reading