An Obstacle Can Help You Gauge Your Determination
Do you get tired of problems, irritating issues and obstacles along the way? You are not alone. Building resilience is an essential component of success. When you get to the state where you don’t care there are obstacles because you are so intrinsically motivated, then you realise obstacles are actually designed to make you more determined. They are there to challenge your limiting beliefs and to reinforce your resolve. If obstacles and problems don’t have that effect then you may not be as intrinsically motivated as you think.
When you meet problems, delays, issues and obstacles. Try looking at them with new eyes. Write the problem down and note how you are feeling. What are your feelings telling you about your thoughts about the problem? Is your inner voice saying “I told you this would never work” “Perhaps you should just give up” “This is too hard”…. or any other negative chatter? Then you need to go back to the beginning and revisit why you are taking this particular path. What was your original motivation and is it strong enough? When you find your inner motivation again, find a new determination.
Years ago, I needed a particular qualification in order to be able to teach. Teaching is what I love. I applied for the college place and was told I had it. A few weeks later I received a call saying that I didn’t have the necessary qualifications/marks and they would have to release my place to someone else. I was so motivated, I went straight to the head of school, told her how much this meant and told her I would do anything to qualify. She found a clause whereby I could present a piece of work, and if it was independantly passed, I could have my place. I was given a week. I did nothing else but work on this assignment during that week. I handed it in and got my place. During this intense process I didn’t have time to think. Once I was able to reflect, I realised just how much being able to teach meant to me. The obstacle certainly became a stepping stone to help me to choose my path.
So next time you see an obstacle, find the stepping stone.