The Single Most Important Question to Ask to Get Great Results

questionIn the beginning of my management career, it never occurred to me to ask this question.

As a school girl, I was pretty horrendous at meeting deadlines for handing in homework.  At the time I didn’t realise the more I was rebuked and reminded I was going to ruin my future, the more resistant I was to doing the work at all.

Luckily I scraped by. Progressing to the world of work, I didn’t have a problem meeting deadlines or getting things done.  I was pretty driven.  I was driven because I wanted to do a great job.  I quickly got into the habit of setting myself a “TTD” (things to do list) and liked nothing more than ticking off my
tasks.  Deadlines were like a big red flag spurring me to action.

On becoming a manager I encountered a problem which my frustrated teachers would have relished.   I found not everyone was as driven as me.  In fact, in the early days, team members would pitch up late at meetings and even (perish the thought) miss deadlines to complete tasks which put whole projects into jeopardy.

I tried everything I could and although some of my team rose to the occasion, I found I was spending much of my time chasing up work, making sure people were getting things done on time.  Even worse, I found deadlines being missed without a raise of an eyebrow by some of the team and even with a casual acceptance.  I was mystified.

Working alongside senior managers across different organisations, I realised getting things done on time and to the standard required was a BIG problem.  It wasn’t just about meeting deadlines; it was about quality of work and also lack of right actions.  I realised some people inherently didn’t quite get “accountability”.  Even worse, some managers didn’t either.

I pondered this for a long time and one by one a number of factors came together.  One day I finally got it. It was a big learning curve and one which made me change the way I led my team.  This dawning once I had it, resulted in me leading hugely successful teams which achieved great results.   What I learned was this:

People do not accept accountability because they do not see the “Why” in what they do.  , they are resistant to being told what to do because what they are told to do holds no meaning. As a result they remain in their comfort zone and limit their effort.

Don’t get me wrong:  I don’t think people consciously or deliberately hold that stance, but it exists and resistance shows up like this: They will say:

  • They aren’t capable; don’t know how;  don’t have the capacity…..
  • It’s too lengthy;  too complicated;  too expensive;  too messy; too confusing……

What then happens is a constant reshuffling of policies, processes, resources and a call for more or better training.

If you have even a small problem with accountability in your business then you are simply meeting resistance.   There are some simple actions and a culture you can develop which can get great results and turn the tide of people being willing to be held accountable for ever.  These are:


Help employees find meaning in your vision.  Agree how they will play their part and uncover the reasons why their contribution is meaningful to them, so they are emotionally invested.


Don’t make people accountable.  Give them responsibility for achieving outcomes, in a way they want to achieve them in a timescale agreed with you both.  Build in consequences if they don’t legitimately achieve.

Notice and Act

Notice what happens.  Reward great performance, review faltering contributions and follow through on consequences.  There is nothing so dis empowering for your teams when you have set up an agreement on roles and responsibilities and because of a lack of attention you appear indifferent or ineffective about acting on results both good and bad.

I received a letter from my 15 year old son’s school informing me he hasn’t been handing his homework in.  The problem with a 15 year old is he doesn’t know what he wants to do with his life.  Of course, knowing what I now know, the first thing I did was find out his “Why”.  It took some doing, but once he identified a purpose which meant something to him, the change was remarkable.

So, if you do nothing else this week, why not ask the question Why ?

This great article is from the People Discovery blog, associated with The e.MILE People Development Magazine: the Magazine is currently running a series for the 6 months April to September 2014 based on the challenges identified by The Centre For Creative Leaderships report 2013 Don't Miss Out!  Sign up here to be notified of our subsequent issues and posts

About Christina Lattimer

Christina has managed people for twenty seven years and led hugely successful teams. She has worked with people at all levels in various organisations to help them achieve their potential, and she has been actively involved in the learning and development field in a number of different roles. In latter years she worked as an HR Strategist. She has a range of management qualifications, is a learning professional with a BA Hons in Education, and is a Chartered Fellow of Chartered Institute of Personnel Development. She is passionate about people and believes everyone counts to make a great team.
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  1. Christina, I really liked your statement: “Don’t make people accountable. Give them responsibility for achieving outcomes, in a way they want to achieve them in a timescale agreed with you both. Build in consequences if they don’t legitimately achieve.”

    I believe that you can’t set goals for anyone. They must set their own goals, in alignment with their values and priorities. As a character-based leader, we can help them create their SMART goals, and hold them accountable for achieving them. That is all we are able to do. The rest is up to them.

    Great article!


  2. Georgia

    Thank you so much for your encouraging comments! I agree helping team members set goals is about as far as we should go. (and of course supporting where needed) I used to describe myself as a facilitator often in my team, because I saw part of my role as facilitating a route for others to achieve the best they could. Thanks again and have a great week :) Christina

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  4. Janice Knight

    Thank you so much for sending me a copy or your e-book “Getting to Grips with stress in the Workplace”. A really straightforward, well-written and easy to read book with lots of practical and good sound advice for Managers.

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